# ---- DEFINE IMPORTS ---- # from js import console, XMLHttpRequest, Blob import random import json # ---- DEFINE GLOBALS ---- # WORD_TO_GUESS = "" GUESS_COUNT = 0 WORD_GUESSED = False TAG_COLOR_CLASSES = { "unknown": "is-light", "match": "is-success", "wrong": "is-warning" } # ---- DEFINE ELEMENTS ---- # el_task_template = Element("guess-template").select('div', from_content=True) el_span_template = Element("guess-span-template").select('span', from_content=True) el_new_guess = Element("guess-input") el_input_len = Element("guess-length-input") el_input_msg = Element("input-message") el_guess_list = Element("guess-list") def get_new_word(*args, **kwargs): """ get a new word from an api and set the default tileset """ global WORD_TO_GUESS global WORD_GUESSED # -- word_len = el_input_len.element.value if word_len == "?": word_len = random.randrange(4,10) # -- WORD_GUESSED = False # -- req = XMLHttpRequest.new() req.open("GET", f"https://random-word-api.herokuapp.com/word?length={word_len}", False) blob = Blob.new(["{}"], {type : 'application/json'}) req.send(blob) word = json.loads(req.response)[0] WORD_TO_GUESS = word console.log(f"WORD: {WORD_TO_GUESS}") # -- el_guess_list.element.innerText = '' el_new_guess.element.innerHTML = '' el_input_msg.element.style.display = "none"; # -- set_default() def give_up(*args, **kwargs): """ reveal all characters in the word to guess """ global WORD_TO_GUESS global WORD_GUESSED guessHtml = el_task_template.clone("word-reveal", to=el_guess_list) # -- color chars for i,char in enumerate(WORD_TO_GUESS): new_char_html = el_span_template.clone(f"guess-{i}", to=guessHtml) new_char_html.element.innerText = char new_char_html.element.classList.toggle(TAG_COLOR_CLASSES["match"]) guessHtml.element.appendChild(new_char_html.element) el_guess_list.element.insertBefore(guessHtml.element, el_guess_list.element.firstChild) WORD_GUESSED = True def get_score(word, word_to_guess): """ utility function for getting a list of states for each character in a word compared against a word to be guessed. this is used for knowing what color each tile should be. """ result = [] for i, char in enumerate(word): if char == word_to_guess[i]: result.append("match") elif char in word_to_guess: result.append("wrong") else: result.append("unknown") return result def guess(*args, **kwargs): """ make a new guess and set the tiles with colors for the guess """ # -- global GUESS_COUNT global WORD_GUESSED global WORD_TO_GUESS # -- next_guess_id = GUESS_COUNT+1 guess = str(el_new_guess.element.value).lower() if WORD_GUESSED == True: return if guess == "": el_input_msg.element.innerHTML = f"Get a new word to guess first!" el_input_msg.element.style.display = "block"; if len(guess) > len(WORD_TO_GUESS): el_input_msg.element.innerHTML = f"Guess is too long! Word must be {len(WORD_TO_GUESS)} characters" el_input_msg.element.style.display = "block"; else: # -- get guess score results = get_score(guess, WORD_TO_GUESS) guessHtml = el_task_template.clone(next_guess_id, to=el_guess_list) # -- color chars for i,char in enumerate(results): new_char_html = el_span_template.clone(f"guess-{i}", to=guessHtml) new_char_html.element.innerText = guess[i] new_char_html.element.classList.toggle(TAG_COLOR_CLASSES[results[i]]) guessHtml.element.appendChild(new_char_html.element) el_guess_list.element.insertBefore(guessHtml.element, el_guess_list.element.firstChild) GUESS_COUNT += 1 # -- if guess == WORD_TO_GUESS: WORD_GUESSED = True def set_default(*args, **kwargs): """ set default blank tiles for a new word """ # -- get word word = WORD_TO_GUESS # -- guessHtml = el_task_template.clone("0", to=el_guess_list) for i, char in enumerate(word): new_char_html = el_span_template.clone(f"default-{i}", to=guessHtml) new_char_html.element.innerText = "_" guessHtml.element.appendChild(new_char_html.element) el_guess_list.element.appendChild(guessHtml.element)


Pydle is a simple Wordle implementation with the newly released Pyscript framework from Anaconda Inc. First generate a new word, then fill out a guess and submit with the green button. A specific word length can be specified or a ? for a random word length. NOTE: Pyscript may require a few seconds to load as it is in an alpha state currently.
